Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Witness the Super Heroes of Old Testament/Right Time - Right Place Chapter 10 King David vs Goliath

© lightwritingmatters -- 2015
Excerpt from the soon to be released book - "Witness the Super Heroes of Old Testament/Right Time - Right Place" © lightwritingmatters -- 2015

After nearly a month and a half of mornings with the Israelites on one mountain side and Philistines on another with Goliath out in front to do battle, David happens upon the scene. Until now, David is spending time as a therapeutic musician for the King and part time shepherd for his father’s flocks. As it plays out, on this return to the King, he comes back to find this nation to nation challenge. He asks for a download on what is going on. He determines with no one stepping up for GOD’s people, David offers himself. King Saul offered as incentive one of his daughters and a dowry plus a benefit for David’s father, his family and estate. With that the challengers were in place and ready to do battle.

Goliath’s attitude

The battle lines were formed. 2 armies face off; the Philistines versus King Saul and men of Israel. For the Philistines a man, Goliath, ~9’5+ inches, dressed for battle -- which was quite weighty. He taunted the battle line of Israel: “…Choose a man for yourselves, and let him come down to me. If he is able to fight with me and strike me down, we will then become your servants. But if I prevail against him and strike him down, you will become our servants and serve us.”  -- 1 Sam 17: 8-9

Upon seeing David approach to take the challenge, Goliath, very dismissive, asked David if he thought Goliath was some dog to chase after with sticks. [David had nothing but a sling and a few stones to defend himself.] With cocky confidence, Goliath basically said ‘let’s get to it and when I am done you will be dead meat for the birds and wild animals to feast upon.’ Goliath probably never entertained the thought of what would happen next. Not wishing to give away the end – it must be said, Goliath lost his head and it was the last thing he would do – his contribution to the fight, as it were.

David’s attitude

David was confident, but not cocky. He’d been saved by his GOD before from formidable adversaries: a lion and a bear. Perhaps anyone could imagine which of the 3, the lion, the bear or a very tall well-armed man, would be most frightening or deadliest. No dalliance was taken by David in contemplating such thought for his response was a conviction that GOD had already saved him from a lion and a bear which subjectively one could assume David felt far more challenging than Goliath. He entered the battle with a few rocks, a slingshot and his faith in salvation by his GOD. As it turned out, despite the copper helmet on Goliath’s head, despite his sizeable countenance, despite the psychological field -- crowds behind and before each of the contenders -- one rock aimed at the forehead took down Goliath. Goliath’s own sword killed him at the hands of David.

David would face many battles in his life but perhaps the most unsettling and likely most egregious was the one waged on David by his King, Saul.  

Goliath Debrief

While the details of the story are contained in the Bible the story and the characters of the story have become fodder for many figurative events. People draw strength that a person, job, incident, experience, event or challenge that looms as an impossible obstacle to a goal, survival, etc., might be surmountable if they have faith. This notion stands the test of time with similar results. It is still happening. We just watched a movie based on the true story of the Beam Family, ‘Miracles from Heaven’. The story happened just a few years ago. So their Goliath, the daughter’s terminal intestinal disorder, was the monster and the little girl, Annabel, was David. Through her child like faith she was able to conquer her Goliath and at the same time provide faith filled solace to yet another little girl dying from cancer. It is proof of the inspired statement in the Bible at Romans 15:4: “For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope.” In the instance of David vs Goliath, a rock to the head took care of the seemingly impossible task of slaying the giant. In the monster of the deadly intestinal illness for little Ms. Beam it took a fall on her head to conquer her monster! Same faith; Same salvation; Same GOD!

© lightwritingmatters -- 2015

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