Saturday, March 12, 2016

Wait on the Lord - Be of Courage -- Ps 27:14

© lightwritingmatters 2015
Look unto Jehovah -- be strong, And He doth strengthen thy heart, Yea, look unto Jehovah!” – Ps 27:14 [Young’s Literal Translation]

“Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord.” [King James Version]

The lessons in this one scripture are plentiful. Where to start?

Breaking it down

What are the essentials:
·       Keep our eyes on GOD, or, Wait, be patient with GOD.
·       Personally, we must be of good courage
·       GOD will strengthen our heart

Expanding the message

Bottom line we should always put GOD first and last in all things – like a bookend to every decision, every action and every thought or prayer.

Wait on the Lord

In Strong’s Concordance the sense of this portion of the scripture is: “to wait for, linger for”.  We have often heard 'all things in good time’ or as I prefer – in ‘GOD time’. If something is on your mind, if you are deliberating about something and are not sure or convinced it is right or wrong, if you are faced with an immediate situation, circumstance, event, question, whatever -– or any number things imaginable – the counsel from King David was to ‘linger for or wait for’ GOD to assist you wherever and in whatever.

Be of good courage

Again, in Strong’s we find this: 'חָזַק' The Hebrew characters for the root word used in this scripture for courage: châzaq, khaw-zak. It means-- to fasten upon; hence, to seize, be strong”. How do you describe how to ‘seize upon courage’? Being courageous can be a very personal thing as in principles. It can also be a very public thing as in heroic activity. However we find the need fror courage, in moment to moment thought, prayer, etc., or in the midst of challenges of all kinds, seizing upon or fastening to courage serves our confidence when we need it to meet the circumstance.

Strengthen your heart

Strong’s:” The idea of ‘strengthen’ is based on this: “to exhibit strength, be strong, feel strong”. Is it only one or could it be all three? Probably any combination dependent on what is before you. But even if it is just a personal challenge to yourself waiting on GOD, being of courage and exhibiting strength adds layers to your ‘firm foundation’ with the HOLY SPIRIT [as a kind of umbilical cord] keeping us circumspect and riveted to that foundation. Day to day, is this scripture not a perfect reminder of strict reliance on GOD? “Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord.”


We’re to wait on GOD, we're to be ‘courageous’ -- anticipating GOD will continue to ‘strengthen’ our heart.

By ‘strengthening our heart’ does the Bible suggest cardio activity is required by GOD? Let me answer this question with a scripture from the Greek/New Testament: For bodily exercise profiteth little: but godliness is profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come.” – 1Tim 4:8  So, yes, we should indeed be interested in cardio activity for our hearts. It seems in the Psalm, strengthening of the heart refers to the ‘spiritual’ quality of our principled life and the faith that surrounds it in hope. So, while we may be ‘religious’ about cardio work outs we need to be 'heart active' in all things spiritual by way of the Holy Spirit. 

Please read Psalm 27 in its entirety to fully grasp how verse 14, above, was a natural conclusion for King David to his musing for that moment. It is no secret King David's heart was so filled with faith and love for his GOD that from his heart we have bountiful treasures today in each of the Psalms he was inspired to write.  

As a reminder, our LORD spoke these words For where your treasure is, there also your heart will be. – Luke 12:34

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