Thursday, March 31, 2016

Matthew 5 -- The Humilities

© lightwritingmatters -- 2015 
 “If, then, you are bringing your gift to the altar and there you remember that your brother has something against you, 24 leave your gift there in front of the altar, and go away. First make your peace with your brother, and then come back and offer your gift.

Most people are familiar with the Beatitudes of Jesus. They are located in the 5th chapter of the gospel of Matthew. With deep empathy Jesus delivered a sermon appealing to the condition of the Jews of his day. His compassionate nature referenced their lot in life many times through his ministry but when he delivered the Beatitudes it was directed specifically to address those who were hanging on with all their might while facing desperate times. He recognized they were struggling. He started out recognizing they may be conscious of their spiritual need and lets them know the Kingdom of the heavens belonged to them. Though under strident Roman rule they suffered more directly under the harsh religious leadership of their own people. Yet, solace was theirs in the notion the ‘Kingdom of the heavens belonged to them’ nonetheless! He recognized their emotional and physical needs: Those who mourned would be comforted; those who are merciful WILL BE shown mercy; those who’d been persecuted for their righteous stand were encouraged the Kingdom of the heavens belonged to them as well.

If you read this chapter, it is alive with opportunities to reflect humility; the humility Christ is known for demonstrating. Each of the ‘Beatitudes’ exudes inherent humility as the dominant quality of those who would be blessed. But, beyond the Beatitudes, the rest of chapter 5 echoes humility with every statement Jesus made.

The scripture above is an incredible invitation to exercise or develop a person’s own humility. Imagine, going to the alter of GOD prepared to offer a gift to GOD be it a prayer, an offering, some sacrifice, or some other gift -- your heart filled with joy at being able to make a gift  to the ALMIGHTY. Then, a supernatural tap on your shoulder followed by the words ‘leave your gift and make peace with the one you believe is not at peace with you and when it is done you can come back and offer your gift’. Notice, it is not that you have an issue or are not at peace with someone it is they who are not. It takes great humility to go and to ameliorate or mitigate what you perceive as an issue  your ‘brother’ [the interpretation here is not limited to someone related by blood or faith but ‘any fellow or man’] may have with you!

Putting this into perspective: There are some who are so über conscientious they will either live their lives never allowing peace to be broken with anyone in their circle or if they ‘sense’ tension will immediately seek to restore peace. But, for most of humanity, our instincts serve us fairly well. It does not take a ton of bricks to fall on our head to create a more sensitive perception of how someone may be feeling. It is not a stretch to say if that supernatural tap on your shoulder should actually come while you are making your gift to GOD you would know without hesitation who it is that nudge to make peace was intended.

If you are inclined, have the time and the mental energy to explore the entire fifth chapter of Matthew it would be most beneficial. Each complete idea and statement Jesus made has such deep and resonating truth and can be freeing and enlightening when we let our minds creatively apply the wisdom and humility of his statements. 

© lightwritingmatters -- 2015 

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