Friday, March 18, 2016

Shadow of GOD's Wings -- Psalm 36:7

©lightwritingmatters - 2015
 “How precious is your unfailing love, O God! All humanity finds shelter in the shadow of your wings.” – Ps 36:7

Your unfailing love, O Lord, is as vast as the heavens;
    your faithfulness reaches beyond the clouds.
 Your righteousness is like the mighty mountains,
    your justice like the ocean depths.
You care for people and animals alike, O Lord. Vs 6


Those who believe in the Almighty Creator would not stop to contemplate whether GOD’s shadow could completely eclipse the earth, or, shadow only our person. With GOD all things are possible, right? Have we ever imagined GOD as having wings? Finding shelter thereunder?

Ever been in the sun when it is summer, mid-day, no breeze, beaming down upon you perhaps reflected off the concrete around you? You know how searing that can feel. Normally, you do not stand there and allow yourself to overheat. Ordinarily, you seek out shelter, be it a shadow or inside a building, under a tree, etc. Most of us have life’s experience to fall back on when we need to access a memory file to grasp the intent of finding shelter in the shadow of GOD’s wings.  

Taking it apart – Unfailing love

GOD’s unfailing love.
Pause and allow your mind to truly look at the statement from 360-degree perspective; from a yesterday, today, and tomorrow perspective; finally, from a human love perspective.

Look up the verse in other translations. You will find these words for ‘unfailing love’: ‘loving kindness’, ‘kindness’.

Some people are naturally kind, show kindness and rarely miss the mark of always manifesting a kind nature. Others have to mentally exercise their ‘idea’ of kindness; they even have to reach deep inside to muster their concept of kindness. When faced with a particularly hurtful experience or event being ‘kind’ is not first nature to everyone. But if we were to step outside ourselves for a moment and do some self-analysis, is it honest to say we’ve not been hurtful to GOD? Perhaps not deliberately, but in some action, thought, speech? Maybe we know we did not uphold our Christian life and principles conscientiously? Yet, we are introduced in this verse to GOD having UNFAILING love. That means, no matter our unintentional hurtful behavior towards GOD directly, or indirectly, when we are responsible for inflicting pain, discomfort or sadness to another human. Let me interject here the final sentence in verse 6 to expand how we can hurt GOD indirectly: ‘You {GOD} care for people and animals alike’. Remember, our original task in the Garden was to tend, even reign over, the earth and all the animals, birds and fish. So when we are negligent or hurtful to those we are responsible for or to, including animals, then we hurt GOD.

Taking it apart – Shelter in the shadow of HIS wings

In our contrition, in our error, in our own kind disposition, we always have available to us ‘shelter in the shadow of GOD’s wings.’ Most of us from the second of an error we know we have really stepped out of who we are at the core. We are now exposed to the scorching heat of consequences to our actions. The intensity of the exposure to the heat will be totally left up to our conscience. The faster we acknowledge our error and seek to correct it the quicker we find the cooling and soothing effect of shelter in the shadow of GOD’s wings!

It is human nature to test the environment, whether it is the weather, the water temperature, the patience of another, to sneak time with a wild animal. It is our spirit nature that leads us to and provides constant appeasement in the ‘shadow of HIS wings.’

Final thoughts

In HIS unfailing love or his loving kindness HE has provided a way for anyone who makes mistakes but who genuinely shows contrition. “As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent.” [Rev 3:19]

Finally, plunge into these words: “The Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” And let the one who hears say, “Come!” Let the one who is thirsty come; and let the one who wishes take the free gift of the water of life.” [Rev 22:17]

©lightwritingmatters - 2015

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