Sunday, March 13, 2016

Light To Your Path Psalm 119:105

©lightwritingmatters -- 2015
“…Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.” – Psa 119:105

The Gist

This scripture contains two ideas in each of its statements.
  1.  Lamp to feet; Holding a lamp low to the ground will light your feet
  2. Light to path. Holding it up high will light the path ahead.

So it is with God’s Word

When we read and study God’s Word the HOLY Spirit opens our minds and hearts to see what is necessary for us at any given time. You can read the same scripture multiple times and receive a different thought each time.

For instance, today this scripture may speak to an immediate need, perhaps a ‘focused’ need, whereas tomorrow it may broaden out to appeal to you in a ‘big picture’ way. The HOLY Spirit, our teacher, knows what we need and will direct us as needed. How is the HOLY Spirit guiding you today?

Beyond verse 105

If you look at the whole of Psalm 119 the author of this psalm [there are those who think it King David and those who think it some other] is writing an affirmative testimonial of their loyalty to GOD’s law while also beseeching GOD to continue to free up the mind of the author, making room for more appreciation and adherence. The writer conscientiously demonstrates humility in his own short comings and supplicates GOD’s forgiveness and mercy so the guilt does not interfere with his being focused on GOD’s regulations.

Bringing it to a close

Verse 104, “From Thy precepts I have understanding, Therefore I have hated every false path!” Hence, verse 105 has more meaning. “No lamp like thy word to guide my feet, to shew light on my path.” []

Spiritual light switch

In all things, but especially when you sit down to contemplate GOD’s WORD, please turn on your LIGHT switch. Pray for HOLY Spirit to shine on the words of the page to highlight that which is most beneficial to you. Even if you are only reading the Bible but in particular when you are studying and/or researching.

If you are only now thinking about the Bible and its relevance to you and your life do not be surprised if the LIGHT goes on without prayer.

In April, I will be posting thoughts of each section of Psalm 119. It is an important character building psalm. Today we need much confirmation that our principles should never be abandoned and this chapter goes a long way to securing that rededication to our principles. 

© lightwritingmatters 2015

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