Wednesday, March 9, 2016

GOD Grasps Your Hand Isa 41:13

© 2015
For I, Jehovah your God, am grasping your right hand, The One saying to you, ‘Do not be afraid. I will help you.’” – Isa 41:13

Ever have someone hold your hand so hard you could not break the grasp? Was it someone you trusted? Ever think GOD could be that person? Yet, here HE is, not only clenching your hand but assuring you not to fear HE has this!
This scripture is one of my favorites. I was blessed with a great Dad who had a solid grasp and on those scary occasions the trust I had for him and his clutch of my hand quelled my heart.

During our middle school years our family frequented Sequoia or King’s Canyon Nat’l Forests every other week from May to October. Our favorite spot was in Cedar Grove, all the way to the last campground and once there the campsite area nearest the deer meadow and King’s River. From about the end of June to the end of Sept we could cross King’s River depending on its depth and current either holding on to the boulders with our hands or later when the river was more a creek just jumping from rock to rock.

We had a pecking order to cross. One parent led and the other brought up the rear. My little brother early on was tethered so he would not be swept away. He was only 8 when we started going camping. My father could not swim, you have to know that upfront. We could all swim but when the river was running swiftly it would have been deadly to be swept away. It happened once, thankfully when the river was low, not so swift. Hitting the boulders and rocks wasn’t as hard on the body with a low water level. There was a bend in the river where a sandy bank developed away from the current. If you could head that way you could actually save yourself. We had ‘practiced’ the theory behind that event and sure enough everything worked as practiced!

If we needed to have Dad hold our hand or guide us he did and we absolutely unequivocally did rest assured in his confidence. We knew he could not swim but to us he had super powers and he could do anything. Even faced with that incident it never entered our minds that we could not trust Mom or Dad to be there – the only fear we ever had was the occasional “BOO!” Dad would say out of nowhere while we were lost watching a scary movie on television in the dark.

My personal experience really drives home to me the veracity of the scripture above. Our faith is the way we ‘feel’ the trusted grip of GOD around our hand. It is what allows our fear to be chased away. It is how we trust GOD is who HE says HE is for us.

There are many things we learn to do when faced with stress, depression, angst and unpleasantness. Some will automatically pray which is awesome. When you pray do you have an image of where you are while talking to the Lord? Is it on HIS footstool with your head on HIS lap? Is it sitting on HIS lap with your head on HIS chest? Is it sitting in a chair in a sanctuary? Could it be sometimes you are walking and talking with the Lord? Imagine you are walking on the ‘narrow and cramped’ road that leads to everlasting life and you will need HIM to grasp your hand transmitting confidence through trust to you simultaneously. How could you ever be afraid with your Heavenly Father holding your hand? Do we hold this truth always in our soul and spirit: "No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. - [Rom 8:37-39]

Feel free to bookmark this scripture in your copy of the Bible and refer to it as needed. Remember, GOD’s got this!


  1. Thank you for this thought. It is so easy to forget that their is always someone there ready to help and listen in times of trouble. HE is truly always ready to listen and to hold our hand through it all. I really needed this reminder.


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