Thursday, March 31, 2016

Matthew 5 -- The Humilities

© lightwritingmatters -- 2015 
 “If, then, you are bringing your gift to the altar and there you remember that your brother has something against you, 24 leave your gift there in front of the altar, and go away. First make your peace with your brother, and then come back and offer your gift.

Most people are familiar with the Beatitudes of Jesus. They are located in the 5th chapter of the gospel of Matthew. With deep empathy Jesus delivered a sermon appealing to the condition of the Jews of his day. His compassionate nature referenced their lot in life many times through his ministry but when he delivered the Beatitudes it was directed specifically to address those who were hanging on with all their might while facing desperate times. He recognized they were struggling. He started out recognizing they may be conscious of their spiritual need and lets them know the Kingdom of the heavens belonged to them. Though under strident Roman rule they suffered more directly under the harsh religious leadership of their own people. Yet, solace was theirs in the notion the ‘Kingdom of the heavens belonged to them’ nonetheless! He recognized their emotional and physical needs: Those who mourned would be comforted; those who are merciful WILL BE shown mercy; those who’d been persecuted for their righteous stand were encouraged the Kingdom of the heavens belonged to them as well.

If you read this chapter, it is alive with opportunities to reflect humility; the humility Christ is known for demonstrating. Each of the ‘Beatitudes’ exudes inherent humility as the dominant quality of those who would be blessed. But, beyond the Beatitudes, the rest of chapter 5 echoes humility with every statement Jesus made.

The scripture above is an incredible invitation to exercise or develop a person’s own humility. Imagine, going to the alter of GOD prepared to offer a gift to GOD be it a prayer, an offering, some sacrifice, or some other gift -- your heart filled with joy at being able to make a gift  to the ALMIGHTY. Then, a supernatural tap on your shoulder followed by the words ‘leave your gift and make peace with the one you believe is not at peace with you and when it is done you can come back and offer your gift’. Notice, it is not that you have an issue or are not at peace with someone it is they who are not. It takes great humility to go and to ameliorate or mitigate what you perceive as an issue  your ‘brother’ [the interpretation here is not limited to someone related by blood or faith but ‘any fellow or man’] may have with you!

Putting this into perspective: There are some who are so über conscientious they will either live their lives never allowing peace to be broken with anyone in their circle or if they ‘sense’ tension will immediately seek to restore peace. But, for most of humanity, our instincts serve us fairly well. It does not take a ton of bricks to fall on our head to create a more sensitive perception of how someone may be feeling. It is not a stretch to say if that supernatural tap on your shoulder should actually come while you are making your gift to GOD you would know without hesitation who it is that nudge to make peace was intended.

If you are inclined, have the time and the mental energy to explore the entire fifth chapter of Matthew it would be most beneficial. Each complete idea and statement Jesus made has such deep and resonating truth and can be freeing and enlightening when we let our minds creatively apply the wisdom and humility of his statements. 

© lightwritingmatters -- 2015 

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Witness the Super Heroes of Old Testament/Right Time - Right Place Chapter 10 King David vs Goliath

© lightwritingmatters -- 2015
Excerpt from the soon to be released book - "Witness the Super Heroes of Old Testament/Right Time - Right Place" © lightwritingmatters -- 2015

After nearly a month and a half of mornings with the Israelites on one mountain side and Philistines on another with Goliath out in front to do battle, David happens upon the scene. Until now, David is spending time as a therapeutic musician for the King and part time shepherd for his father’s flocks. As it plays out, on this return to the King, he comes back to find this nation to nation challenge. He asks for a download on what is going on. He determines with no one stepping up for GOD’s people, David offers himself. King Saul offered as incentive one of his daughters and a dowry plus a benefit for David’s father, his family and estate. With that the challengers were in place and ready to do battle.

Goliath’s attitude

The battle lines were formed. 2 armies face off; the Philistines versus King Saul and men of Israel. For the Philistines a man, Goliath, ~9’5+ inches, dressed for battle -- which was quite weighty. He taunted the battle line of Israel: “…Choose a man for yourselves, and let him come down to me. If he is able to fight with me and strike me down, we will then become your servants. But if I prevail against him and strike him down, you will become our servants and serve us.”  -- 1 Sam 17: 8-9

Upon seeing David approach to take the challenge, Goliath, very dismissive, asked David if he thought Goliath was some dog to chase after with sticks. [David had nothing but a sling and a few stones to defend himself.] With cocky confidence, Goliath basically said ‘let’s get to it and when I am done you will be dead meat for the birds and wild animals to feast upon.’ Goliath probably never entertained the thought of what would happen next. Not wishing to give away the end – it must be said, Goliath lost his head and it was the last thing he would do – his contribution to the fight, as it were.

David’s attitude

David was confident, but not cocky. He’d been saved by his GOD before from formidable adversaries: a lion and a bear. Perhaps anyone could imagine which of the 3, the lion, the bear or a very tall well-armed man, would be most frightening or deadliest. No dalliance was taken by David in contemplating such thought for his response was a conviction that GOD had already saved him from a lion and a bear which subjectively one could assume David felt far more challenging than Goliath. He entered the battle with a few rocks, a slingshot and his faith in salvation by his GOD. As it turned out, despite the copper helmet on Goliath’s head, despite his sizeable countenance, despite the psychological field -- crowds behind and before each of the contenders -- one rock aimed at the forehead took down Goliath. Goliath’s own sword killed him at the hands of David.

David would face many battles in his life but perhaps the most unsettling and likely most egregious was the one waged on David by his King, Saul.  

Goliath Debrief

While the details of the story are contained in the Bible the story and the characters of the story have become fodder for many figurative events. People draw strength that a person, job, incident, experience, event or challenge that looms as an impossible obstacle to a goal, survival, etc., might be surmountable if they have faith. This notion stands the test of time with similar results. It is still happening. We just watched a movie based on the true story of the Beam Family, ‘Miracles from Heaven’. The story happened just a few years ago. So their Goliath, the daughter’s terminal intestinal disorder, was the monster and the little girl, Annabel, was David. Through her child like faith she was able to conquer her Goliath and at the same time provide faith filled solace to yet another little girl dying from cancer. It is proof of the inspired statement in the Bible at Romans 15:4: “For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope.” In the instance of David vs Goliath, a rock to the head took care of the seemingly impossible task of slaying the giant. In the monster of the deadly intestinal illness for little Ms. Beam it took a fall on her head to conquer her monster! Same faith; Same salvation; Same GOD!

© lightwritingmatters -- 2015

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Hope in GOD Soar on Wings of Eagles - Isa 40:31

©lightwritingmatters - 2015

“but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” – Isa 40:31

Imagination playtime

Ever been in the window seat of a plane – looking out at the puffy clouds? Thinking perhaps it would be so fun to slide down a cloud fall or play cloud hopscotch? Or just to fall into the puffy cloud as if it was an overstuffed mattress? The fun, the freedom, the sense of invincibility as our minds imagine any number of playful cloud scenarios.

Have you floated atop the undulating waters of the ocean with the warmth of the sun shining upon you and a brisk trade wind blowing over you? The buoyancy of the water, the breeze and the warmth melt you away from cares and take you to a place of trust. Trust in the power of nature that your fragility as a mere human lays in the lap of the water moving in the natural ebb and flow of the current.

Whatever your point of reference, the mental graphic created from the words above bring with it some of the same emotional and psychological factors as playing upon clouds or laying in the ocean waters.

Challenge your mind

Running without becoming weary and walking without becoming faint. The strength GOD imparts to those who hope in HIM is not our strength. One of my favorite scriptures is 1 Cor 2:9. It is yet another tidbit from GOD that sets our imaginations free and expands the possibilities literally to infinity. It indisputably tasks our minds through an unspoken challenge to inventory every single thing we know, we have seen, we have heard, we have felt, we have experienced, we have read, we have imagined which then comes to an immediate and full stop as it dawns upon us we cannot catalogue everything the mind has conceived nor can we imagine what the possibilities are before us, in GOD.

The verses on this page do not simply exist as print on a page but they grab our imagination and free it in full faith that GOD, our CREATOR, knows our curiosity and has provided so many extraordinary and magnificent things to experience. We know HE will indeed amaze us in ways we will not be able to express in words but will absolutely be able to experience sensually with our whole being. All of which fastens our love so deep -- anchoring it to HIS loyal love everlastingly, stimulating an insatiable desire for more. Only GOD can tease us beyond comprehension. We KNOW we will be astounded because the evidence around us is the proof what HE says will be true.

If you or your mind find yourself bored or a little distracted by unnecessary ‘stuff’ think upon what is to come remember though it is a trap, why? ‘Mind has not conceived the good things GOD has in store for us.’ Thus, each and every thing you set your mind free to conjure has now been conceived by your mind. What GOD has in store for you is even BETTER! Ponder that.

©lightwritingmatters - 2015

Friday, March 18, 2016

Shadow of GOD's Wings -- Psalm 36:7

©lightwritingmatters - 2015
 “How precious is your unfailing love, O God! All humanity finds shelter in the shadow of your wings.” – Ps 36:7

Your unfailing love, O Lord, is as vast as the heavens;
    your faithfulness reaches beyond the clouds.
 Your righteousness is like the mighty mountains,
    your justice like the ocean depths.
You care for people and animals alike, O Lord. Vs 6


Those who believe in the Almighty Creator would not stop to contemplate whether GOD’s shadow could completely eclipse the earth, or, shadow only our person. With GOD all things are possible, right? Have we ever imagined GOD as having wings? Finding shelter thereunder?

Ever been in the sun when it is summer, mid-day, no breeze, beaming down upon you perhaps reflected off the concrete around you? You know how searing that can feel. Normally, you do not stand there and allow yourself to overheat. Ordinarily, you seek out shelter, be it a shadow or inside a building, under a tree, etc. Most of us have life’s experience to fall back on when we need to access a memory file to grasp the intent of finding shelter in the shadow of GOD’s wings.  

Taking it apart – Unfailing love

GOD’s unfailing love.
Pause and allow your mind to truly look at the statement from 360-degree perspective; from a yesterday, today, and tomorrow perspective; finally, from a human love perspective.

Look up the verse in other translations. You will find these words for ‘unfailing love’: ‘loving kindness’, ‘kindness’.

Some people are naturally kind, show kindness and rarely miss the mark of always manifesting a kind nature. Others have to mentally exercise their ‘idea’ of kindness; they even have to reach deep inside to muster their concept of kindness. When faced with a particularly hurtful experience or event being ‘kind’ is not first nature to everyone. But if we were to step outside ourselves for a moment and do some self-analysis, is it honest to say we’ve not been hurtful to GOD? Perhaps not deliberately, but in some action, thought, speech? Maybe we know we did not uphold our Christian life and principles conscientiously? Yet, we are introduced in this verse to GOD having UNFAILING love. That means, no matter our unintentional hurtful behavior towards GOD directly, or indirectly, when we are responsible for inflicting pain, discomfort or sadness to another human. Let me interject here the final sentence in verse 6 to expand how we can hurt GOD indirectly: ‘You {GOD} care for people and animals alike’. Remember, our original task in the Garden was to tend, even reign over, the earth and all the animals, birds and fish. So when we are negligent or hurtful to those we are responsible for or to, including animals, then we hurt GOD.

Taking it apart – Shelter in the shadow of HIS wings

In our contrition, in our error, in our own kind disposition, we always have available to us ‘shelter in the shadow of GOD’s wings.’ Most of us from the second of an error we know we have really stepped out of who we are at the core. We are now exposed to the scorching heat of consequences to our actions. The intensity of the exposure to the heat will be totally left up to our conscience. The faster we acknowledge our error and seek to correct it the quicker we find the cooling and soothing effect of shelter in the shadow of GOD’s wings!

It is human nature to test the environment, whether it is the weather, the water temperature, the patience of another, to sneak time with a wild animal. It is our spirit nature that leads us to and provides constant appeasement in the ‘shadow of HIS wings.’

Final thoughts

In HIS unfailing love or his loving kindness HE has provided a way for anyone who makes mistakes but who genuinely shows contrition. “As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent.” [Rev 3:19]

Finally, plunge into these words: “The Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” And let the one who hears say, “Come!” Let the one who is thirsty come; and let the one who wishes take the free gift of the water of life.” [Rev 22:17]

©lightwritingmatters - 2015

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Helmet and Sword for Protection – Eph 6:17-18

©lightwritingmatters - 2015
“17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. 18 And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people. [Eph 6] – NIV

Breaking it down

The verses above are a small portion of scripture describing what is called the ‘suit of armor’ found in Ephesians the sixth chapter. [The whole suit will be addressed in the future.] In verse seventeen the suit of armor ends with the last two things you would gear up with after covering your body for battle, your helmet and of course your weapon. The helmet protects the head. In the metaphor for helmet, according to Strong’s Concordance, it is ‘the protection of the soul which consists in (the hope of) salvation.
  1.  Little picture: helmet protects your head. A blow to the head, especially with a sword, is fatal. 
  2.  Big picture: Salvation = Helmet. If you are killed and have not accepted salvation from the Lord, it is the same as being without a helmet when the sword slices through your brain. However, if you have accepted the gospel and the Lord then THAT hope through God’s Word becomes the helmet.

Praying How? What? When

In verse eighteen, notice we are to pray;
  2. When: On all kinds of occasions
  3. WHAT? All kinds of prayers.


Let’s start with #2, When to pray – On ALL kinds of occasions. We are to pray in totality, in every or whatever occasion. It is written in 1 Thess. 5:17, “Pray without ceasing.”

#3, What kind of prayers? Again, it is written in 1 Tim. 2:1 “I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people…

#1, How do we pray? IN THE SPIRIT! There are many who interpret ‘in the SPIRIT’ different ways. However, according to Strong’s Concordance it is defined in this scripture as ‘the disposition or influence which fills and governs the soul of any one’ more closely defined in Thayer’s Greek Lexicon to mean ‘in the power of the Spirit possessed and move by the Spirit’.

Provided here for you is a collection of scripture which contains the same sense ‘pneuma,’ the Greek word for Spirit, used in Ephesians also used elsewhere. Please read through each of them and pray for clarity of understanding as to how the SPIRIT fills and governs each of us in CHRIST. Matt 22:43; Mark 12:36; Luke 2:27; Luke 4:1; Jude 17-21; Rev 17:4; Rev 21:10.

Perhaps, most germane to this discussion from Ephesians is Jude: “But, dear friends, remember what the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ foretold. 18 They said to you, “In the last times there will be scoffers who will follow their own ungodly desires. 19These are the people who divide you, who follow mere natural instincts and do not have the Spirit. 20 But you, dear friends, by building yourselves up in your most holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit21 keep yourselves in God’s love as you wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to bring you to eternal life.”

Wrapping it up

With the Spirit we are most blessed today to have God’s Word so readily available to us and in so many forms and languages as it is the SWORD – our weapon of choice, to do battle. Ephesians chapter 6 earlier in verse 12 refers to how we will use the sword: “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

Knowledge is power! 

Remember: Arm yourselves with GOD’S Word – become a skilled fencer with your Sword! Your helmet [salvation] and your sword [God’s Word] with the rest of the suit of armor and you are ready for battle.

©lightwritingmatters - 2015

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Light To Your Path Psalm 119:105

©lightwritingmatters -- 2015
“…Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.” – Psa 119:105

The Gist

This scripture contains two ideas in each of its statements.
  1.  Lamp to feet; Holding a lamp low to the ground will light your feet
  2. Light to path. Holding it up high will light the path ahead.

So it is with God’s Word

When we read and study God’s Word the HOLY Spirit opens our minds and hearts to see what is necessary for us at any given time. You can read the same scripture multiple times and receive a different thought each time.

For instance, today this scripture may speak to an immediate need, perhaps a ‘focused’ need, whereas tomorrow it may broaden out to appeal to you in a ‘big picture’ way. The HOLY Spirit, our teacher, knows what we need and will direct us as needed. How is the HOLY Spirit guiding you today?

Beyond verse 105

If you look at the whole of Psalm 119 the author of this psalm [there are those who think it King David and those who think it some other] is writing an affirmative testimonial of their loyalty to GOD’s law while also beseeching GOD to continue to free up the mind of the author, making room for more appreciation and adherence. The writer conscientiously demonstrates humility in his own short comings and supplicates GOD’s forgiveness and mercy so the guilt does not interfere with his being focused on GOD’s regulations.

Bringing it to a close

Verse 104, “From Thy precepts I have understanding, Therefore I have hated every false path!” Hence, verse 105 has more meaning. “No lamp like thy word to guide my feet, to shew light on my path.” []

Spiritual light switch

In all things, but especially when you sit down to contemplate GOD’s WORD, please turn on your LIGHT switch. Pray for HOLY Spirit to shine on the words of the page to highlight that which is most beneficial to you. Even if you are only reading the Bible but in particular when you are studying and/or researching.

If you are only now thinking about the Bible and its relevance to you and your life do not be surprised if the LIGHT goes on without prayer.

In April, I will be posting thoughts of each section of Psalm 119. It is an important character building psalm. Today we need much confirmation that our principles should never be abandoned and this chapter goes a long way to securing that rededication to our principles. 

© lightwritingmatters 2015

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Wait on the Lord - Be of Courage -- Ps 27:14

© lightwritingmatters 2015
Look unto Jehovah -- be strong, And He doth strengthen thy heart, Yea, look unto Jehovah!” – Ps 27:14 [Young’s Literal Translation]

“Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord.” [King James Version]

The lessons in this one scripture are plentiful. Where to start?

Breaking it down

What are the essentials:
·       Keep our eyes on GOD, or, Wait, be patient with GOD.
·       Personally, we must be of good courage
·       GOD will strengthen our heart

Expanding the message

Bottom line we should always put GOD first and last in all things – like a bookend to every decision, every action and every thought or prayer.

Wait on the Lord

In Strong’s Concordance the sense of this portion of the scripture is: “to wait for, linger for”.  We have often heard 'all things in good time’ or as I prefer – in ‘GOD time’. If something is on your mind, if you are deliberating about something and are not sure or convinced it is right or wrong, if you are faced with an immediate situation, circumstance, event, question, whatever -– or any number things imaginable – the counsel from King David was to ‘linger for or wait for’ GOD to assist you wherever and in whatever.

Be of good courage

Again, in Strong’s we find this: 'חָזַק' The Hebrew characters for the root word used in this scripture for courage: châzaq, khaw-zak. It means-- to fasten upon; hence, to seize, be strong”. How do you describe how to ‘seize upon courage’? Being courageous can be a very personal thing as in principles. It can also be a very public thing as in heroic activity. However we find the need fror courage, in moment to moment thought, prayer, etc., or in the midst of challenges of all kinds, seizing upon or fastening to courage serves our confidence when we need it to meet the circumstance.

Strengthen your heart

Strong’s:” The idea of ‘strengthen’ is based on this: “to exhibit strength, be strong, feel strong”. Is it only one or could it be all three? Probably any combination dependent on what is before you. But even if it is just a personal challenge to yourself waiting on GOD, being of courage and exhibiting strength adds layers to your ‘firm foundation’ with the HOLY SPIRIT [as a kind of umbilical cord] keeping us circumspect and riveted to that foundation. Day to day, is this scripture not a perfect reminder of strict reliance on GOD? “Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord.”


We’re to wait on GOD, we're to be ‘courageous’ -- anticipating GOD will continue to ‘strengthen’ our heart.

By ‘strengthening our heart’ does the Bible suggest cardio activity is required by GOD? Let me answer this question with a scripture from the Greek/New Testament: For bodily exercise profiteth little: but godliness is profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come.” – 1Tim 4:8  So, yes, we should indeed be interested in cardio activity for our hearts. It seems in the Psalm, strengthening of the heart refers to the ‘spiritual’ quality of our principled life and the faith that surrounds it in hope. So, while we may be ‘religious’ about cardio work outs we need to be 'heart active' in all things spiritual by way of the Holy Spirit. 

Please read Psalm 27 in its entirety to fully grasp how verse 14, above, was a natural conclusion for King David to his musing for that moment. It is no secret King David's heart was so filled with faith and love for his GOD that from his heart we have bountiful treasures today in each of the Psalms he was inspired to write.  

As a reminder, our LORD spoke these words For where your treasure is, there also your heart will be. – Luke 12:34

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

GOD Grasps Your Hand Isa 41:13

© 2015
For I, Jehovah your God, am grasping your right hand, The One saying to you, ‘Do not be afraid. I will help you.’” – Isa 41:13

Ever have someone hold your hand so hard you could not break the grasp? Was it someone you trusted? Ever think GOD could be that person? Yet, here HE is, not only clenching your hand but assuring you not to fear HE has this!
This scripture is one of my favorites. I was blessed with a great Dad who had a solid grasp and on those scary occasions the trust I had for him and his clutch of my hand quelled my heart.

During our middle school years our family frequented Sequoia or King’s Canyon Nat’l Forests every other week from May to October. Our favorite spot was in Cedar Grove, all the way to the last campground and once there the campsite area nearest the deer meadow and King’s River. From about the end of June to the end of Sept we could cross King’s River depending on its depth and current either holding on to the boulders with our hands or later when the river was more a creek just jumping from rock to rock.

We had a pecking order to cross. One parent led and the other brought up the rear. My little brother early on was tethered so he would not be swept away. He was only 8 when we started going camping. My father could not swim, you have to know that upfront. We could all swim but when the river was running swiftly it would have been deadly to be swept away. It happened once, thankfully when the river was low, not so swift. Hitting the boulders and rocks wasn’t as hard on the body with a low water level. There was a bend in the river where a sandy bank developed away from the current. If you could head that way you could actually save yourself. We had ‘practiced’ the theory behind that event and sure enough everything worked as practiced!

If we needed to have Dad hold our hand or guide us he did and we absolutely unequivocally did rest assured in his confidence. We knew he could not swim but to us he had super powers and he could do anything. Even faced with that incident it never entered our minds that we could not trust Mom or Dad to be there – the only fear we ever had was the occasional “BOO!” Dad would say out of nowhere while we were lost watching a scary movie on television in the dark.

My personal experience really drives home to me the veracity of the scripture above. Our faith is the way we ‘feel’ the trusted grip of GOD around our hand. It is what allows our fear to be chased away. It is how we trust GOD is who HE says HE is for us.

There are many things we learn to do when faced with stress, depression, angst and unpleasantness. Some will automatically pray which is awesome. When you pray do you have an image of where you are while talking to the Lord? Is it on HIS footstool with your head on HIS lap? Is it sitting on HIS lap with your head on HIS chest? Is it sitting in a chair in a sanctuary? Could it be sometimes you are walking and talking with the Lord? Imagine you are walking on the ‘narrow and cramped’ road that leads to everlasting life and you will need HIM to grasp your hand transmitting confidence through trust to you simultaneously. How could you ever be afraid with your Heavenly Father holding your hand? Do we hold this truth always in our soul and spirit: "No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. - [Rom 8:37-39]

Feel free to bookmark this scripture in your copy of the Bible and refer to it as needed. Remember, GOD’s got this!

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Always time for Thanksgiving

 “And I -- with a voice of thanksgiving -- I sacrifice to Thee, that which I have vowed I complete, Salvation [is] of Jehovah.” [Jonah 2:9]

Today, the world around us can be overwhelming, stymieing, frightening. Even if we take our eyes off the planet, off the global collection of countries, off the nation we live in, off the community, off the neighborhood all the way down to our own family, it is sometimes more than people can bear. Even people of faith, with faith, can be impeded when trying to conjure or find solutions to problems. For those who are of the Christian faith we know there are ‘times’ in scripture where people have faced stultifying situations, circumstances, events and truly had nowhere to turn but to their GOD in prayer.

This post deals with ‘thanksgiving’. We can do that in joyous times, in stressful times, incidental times or just out of the abundance of our heart. Yet, it is the intermediate position we can fall to when we haven’t reached the point of speechlessness, of confusion of mind or for no reason whatsoever but the driving need to say ‘thank you’. In the world of habitual thanksgiving it becomes the standard form of intimate communication with our CREATOR. It flows from our mind, off our tongues, out of our hearts and our spirit and from the sole of our soul sometimes in breathless awe; sometimes from an eruption of unbelievable magnitude. Always, however, acceptable in the mere mundaneness of momentary life. Thanksgiving, thank you, gratitude, all emotions we can feel from stimuli around us or just because our heart, soul or spirit move us to utter it.

Jonah was in a predicament to be sure. He was faced with some really undeniable facts; his actions [or inactions on his part] had consequences. He quickly identified where he went wrong. He pled his case, humbly, as evidenced in the words above. He tempered his voice, his being, to the circumstances of his life with ‘thanksgiving’. Remember, this did not happen after he left the belly of the beast but prior to. Think about that, faced with horrid crisis/crises -- concentrating on giving thanks to GOD could be a way to ultimately deal with the event.

Take heart, when all else fails we are promised the bottom line in those times when we are confounded beyond words, beyond concentration in prayer even if we but close our eyes and bow our muddled heads there is a miraculous union of SPIRIT and spirit: “26 In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. 27 And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God.” [Romans 8]

May we find ourselves here in this place, prayer wise, many times. While we may think 'Thank you!' the more times we can BE thankful the better. Blessings are more times unknown to thankful for the manifold blessings you are utterly unaware of but know exists.

Rich is multi-dimensional James 5 1-6 shows the 'bad' side

  Theme Scripture: --James 4:17 “ Therefore, if one knows how to do what is right and yet does not do it, it is a sin for him.” Theme Scrip...