Saturday, February 11, 2017

Draw Close to GOD ... Part One

©Lightwritingmatters 2015
“Therefore, subject yourselves to God; but oppose the Devil, and he will flee from you. Draw close to God, and he will draw close to you...” 

Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Come near to God and he will come near to you. [James 4:7-8]

This post one in the series digging down into Phil 4:8-9

Part One:
ü whatever things are true
This literally means ‘not hidden or unconcealed’. It could be understood as ‘transparent’ ‘obvious’ not obscured through some politically correct or other socially acceptable filter. Bottom line, it is what it is. ‘Telling it like it is’ would be a simple way of saying it so long as you understand only the person who is speaking the truth has the actual firsthand knowledge to support the conviction what they know to be true is true.


For instance, say you saw an accident. You were the only eye witness to the complete accident. Your truth would be your actual witness to the accident. You may speak to one or both drivers but cannot attest to their truth because you were not driving the vehicle and do not know what they were thinking, reasoning or doing at the time of impact. Also, if you told your truth to someone not present for the accident it could not be their truth. Their truth? They did not see the accident and thus cannot add to the witness reports. YOU can only be held accountable for what you KNOW is true.

Breaking it down

How to be true? First, we strip down our internal filter. For years, we have been seasoned and trained through social decorum and political correctness that we need to filter what we say for best effect. In some settings, this is still preferable to offending people if it is your goal to unite. However, if what you must speak or share could be used in a legal, criminal or civil matter, unfiltered truth is essential. But, when it comes to GOD, when it comes to JESUS, when it comes to HOLY SPIRIT, remember: ‘Whatever things are true’. You cannot sugar coat, you cannot bargain, you cannot alter what you know to be truth when it comes to GOD!  Even the mere contemplation of doing such would belie your faith and knowledge in GOD being OMNISCIENT! Either you know GOD knows what you do and think and how you behave or you don’t. If you do, then trying to alter the truth, no matter how difficult it may be for you to live, speak or act truthfully ---  you are spiritually dishonest with yourself. Conviction of knowing BINDS you to tell the truth. Not what you have been told, not what you ‘think’ but what you know is truth. In the example above you can only tell what YOU witnessed.

It is natural for someone to confuse ‘belief/believe’ with ‘know/knowing’. We refer to our faith in terms of ‘beliefs’. That may and can be acceptable. Yet, what beliefs are you not so convinced of that are not ‘known’ to you? Is it reasonable for you not to know? Is it impossible for you not to ‘know’? Is it truly only something you can or want to believe? For this article, the assumption is you KNOW GOD exists. However, if you are not so convinced then do you believe GOD exists? Those who know may agree it is because you can ‘witness’ the world around you and know you cannot create a new species, a new earth, a new universe. You can recreate, you can imitate but you cannot actually create. Yet, here we are on earth, part of a universe and one of many species. It is logical to KNOW someone had to start the ball rolling and did create the idea of a species, or multiple species; the earth, one of several planets in our solar system; and the universe, again one of many as science has confirmed.


Pray. Study. Practice TRUTH.
Remember how long have you defaulted to what is ‘acceptable’ per social decorum or political correctness in all things. In some things, it may still be preferable. However, for personal integrity, practice being true to yourself. Doing so will mean you are being true to GOD as well. It will be uncomfortable sometimes but truth does not share shades of facts. Truth or being true is powerful and will stand alone undaunted--- naked and exposed to all assault.   

Draw close to God, and he will draw close to you
©Lightwritingmatters 2015

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