Saturday, February 11, 2017

Draw Close To God ... Part 2A

Just how do we clean out our mind/heart/soul/spirit to manage ‘whatsoever is true, honest, just’ when it is something at which we are totally unskilled or even less inclined to attempt?

Heavy Order – Phil 2:5-8

Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:
Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God:
But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men:
And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.

Ego Defined

1.The “I” or self of any person; a person as thinking, feeling, and willing, and distinguishing itself from the selves of others and from objects of its thought.
2.Psychoanalysis. the part of the psychic apparatus that experiences and reacts to the outside world and thus mediates between the primitive drives of the id and the demands of the social and physical environment.

Egotism Defined

1.      1a:  excessive use of the first person singular personal pronoun
2.     b:  the practice of talking about oneself too much
3.     2:  an exaggerated sense of self-importance 

Now this:

“Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus”

When looking over the definitions above, do you see any of the definition  relevant to Christ Jesus? You may suggest that number ‘1a’ under egotism would be. I might agree, if you read the New Testament, Jesus did use ‘I’ quite a bit. Mostly, it was to show authority, to establish a clear line from what HE saw as HE looked at people who were oppressed under the burden of Sin in its many manifestations to what HE knew could be done to alleviate the burdens in their life now and later by directing their attention to the solution for all that ailed them. Always in authority. But did that make him egotistical?

How about ‘1b’? Some could say he made it a practice to talk about himself too much. But, let’s look at the context. First, HE came for a purpose. To establish the purpose there had to be an education and HE was the teacher/Rabbi and here on earth HE was the only one privy to the purpose as it was now unfolding. HIS purpose also included a horrific act of self-sacrifice in order to free people from the burden of Sin. HIS purpose included a phenomenal miracle --- HIS RESURRECTION,  later, HIS ASCENSION. Lastly, to continue the education, another [Holy Spirit] would be sent from Jesus to assist those who would follow CHRIST then and for all time until the FINALE, HIS RETURN at some unknown time in the future. In all of this, the common theme of AUTHORITY is present. It is not exercised in a way to lord it over someone or to subject them to HIS authority against their will. No! In fact, the authority paired with education shows what any believer could have if they CHOOSE to subject themselves freely. Finally, HIS authority provided the answers to HOW, WHEN, WHO, WHY and WHERE to be released from the burdens of Sin.

Ø How?
o   Initially, by teaching those HE chose to follow HIM. Later, those who choose to follow HIM. HE taught them in words, through miracles, by example.
o   First for the Jews; they were anticipating someone who would be sent to gather them and be ruler over them per King David’s rule. So, there was expectation. Some recognized Jesus as the ONE, in fact, HE is introduced into that role by John the Baptist [Matt 3:2; John 1:29-34]
o   Later, beyond yet inclusive of the Jews, the gentile.  
o   “The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.” [John 1:29]
o   Initially, from the first calling of disciples to follow HIM to this day when a person hears the calling and follows. Includes many through all times since Jesus came, taught, died, was resurrected and then raised back to heaven.
o   Of course, release from sin through Jesus was done for all time and for all as defined here: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” [John 3:16]
o   The actual where is the who: the source of the release, the Lamb of God.
o   The physical where: The Cross at death
o   The Spiritual where: Initially, Pentecost and the arrival of the Holy Spirit. Down through all time since then to this day as each person is drawn to GOD and accepts the grace of GOD and begins the trek down a very different path away from Sin.

Back to the discussion of Ego:

As you can see, or as you may understand, the word ‘ego’ and ‘egotism’ would be wrongly applied to Jesus especially because of the statement in Philippians 2:7,8 “…No, but he emptied himself and took a slave’s form and came to be in the likeness of men. More than that, when he found himself in fashion as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient as far as death, yes, death…” 

Purpose of this post?

As we read through this series of posts from Philippians 4, on the ‘whatsoever things’, it is natural to feel impotent to accomplish the best version of the true and honest and just self. If we are frank with ourselves, we have spent an entire life consciously or subconsciously working on self-image, self-worth, self-relevance or to be blunt: selfishness. We did not naturally come by this nature to be self-oriented or self-centric. From the beginning of life as our minds, eyes, ears, touch --- all observed and retained information coming at us we learned habitually what appeases us through our sensory perception and through our knowledge. But, there is a subtle message that permeates lives here in the U.S. The subtle message also stimulates ‘self’ via alleged positive affirmation from our parents, teachers, peers, employers and others to achieve and to recognize our worth; or, to groom our perspective to be competitive. Even the words of the Bible can assist in the development of our ego. For whose ego would not be expanded by words like this? “But we are bound to give thanks alway to God for you, brethren beloved of the Lord, because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth:” [2 Thess 2:13] But only an ego would see that as more fuel to grow. In fact, it would and should DEFLATE even the strongest egotist if they understood the entirety of the impact of that statement. And it is to this very point this article must make a point.


How do we assimilate the very essence of the ‘whatever things are’ statements we are reviewing? Try to really zero in on what is stated in Phil 2:7-8. Christ left HIS place in heaven, HIS heavenly life, HIS proximity to HIS FATHER, HIS entire immediate association with all the many Angels. A life not confined to the constraints of time, physical limitation, ravages of sin to the human body, to a single planet, and in direct touch with the devil and the devil’s demonic followers. HE did all of this WILLINGLY. HE literally emptied HIMself of everything to be born through the birthing process into the human race. While HE did not suffer from sin inherently the evidence of sin abounded in all he encountered and from a human perspective he could see and ‘feel’ physically and emotionally the compassion needed as HE saw through his ‘human’ eyes the many ways sin manifested itself. HE felt in HIS sinless body the effects of other’s sin. [Remember the woman who touched the hem of HIS cloak?] It is noted Jesus felt pity – obviously, HE was inclined to reach out and touch or be touched to make a person well. HIS departure from heaven for a life on earth as a human is beyond our comprehension. We do not even know what we do not comprehend. So where does that leave us?

How do we empty ourselves? How do we see through Christ’s human eyes what/how HE saw sin in its many manifestations? We MUST. There are any number of ways we can begin to take ‘I’, ‘Me’ out of our being sufficiently to see others as intensely as we see ourselves. To see how sin has ravaged them. To recognize behaviors as learned and practiced. It requires we see ourselves as ravaged by sin. Identify the direct and subtle ways our thoughts, our words, our actions/reactions, our intent reflects an ego. MARK IT mentally. Then, pray for change, study for change, work through practice to change remembering the common goal of all believers: “…he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” [Phil 1:6]

Now, as you read Part One, Two, etc., ask yourself how can I be circumspect in exhibiting ‘whatever things are true’ or ‘whatever things are honest’ or ‘whatever things are just’? Do so having emptied out ‘I-self’ or ‘ME-self’ and focus on hearing GOD as Holy Spirit winnows out the sin of arrogance and pride and begins to develop and mold our humility. It may not be easy, it may not feel good, it may not be ‘first nature’ initially. It becomes obvious the work of untangling our past exists only because we were not ‘true, honest, just’ really at the core and in the simplicity of practice.

Case in point: Perhaps we have chosen to say something we do not truly believe but not wishing to offend we say it. We are not being true nor honest. We have given them a false sense of who we are all the while we may profess to be Christian. Yet, it is well known lying is not part of an acceptable Christian life. It may be acceptable socially but not from a principled Christian. 

How do we answer that difficult question if not by a 'little white lie'? First, is it a question we must answer? Would it be truthful to say we have no opinion? If we have an opinion, we believe may be offensive to another, must we share it? If we must can we use it as a teaching moment not a judgmental moment? Jesus was sensitive to the downtrodden, the feeble and the diseased, the sinners who were being hunted by the wolves. He spoke kindly and lovingly to them.  However, he minced no words when it came to the leadership who exhibited an arrogant life and behaved abusively of the very people they were responsible to care for and support. 

A prayerful consideration to your response will turn it into a teaching moment. But if we simply MUST say something then whatever the consequences we must be truthful, honest, just. If someone makes a statement we deem true but do not want to confirm --- use Jesus’ example ‘You, yourself said it.’ 

Lastly, be sensitive to the presence of the Holy Spirit. Remember, pray! In those times when we do not know how to respond we are told not to worry for we will have what we must say when it is required. This is another example of humility. Relying on someone else to answer for us. In this situation having Holy Spirit ‘giving us our opinion’ is altogether right!

Draw close to God, and he will draw close to you
©Lightwritingmatters 2015


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