Monday, June 12, 2017

Acts Chapter 5 -- Acts of the Holy Spirit

©Lightwritingmatters 2015

Recap of Acts of Holy Spirit:

Having read chapters one through four one can see the Holy Spirit is very active. For instance:
1.      Chapter One the promise of baptism with the Holy Spirt. Acts 1:5
2.     Pentecost and the outpouring of Holy Spirit upon the 120 gathered as directed. Acts 2:4
3.     About 3000 were added to the believers after Peter speaks to them and explains the reason why the 120 were speaking in ‘tongues’ or languages different regions than that from which they came. Acts 2:5-12; Acts 2:41
4.    Peter and John encounter a man about 40 years old who had been lame from birth and who daily was found begging at the temple gate. Peter told him he could not contribute monies but could offer him a healing. By way of the Holy Spirit, Peter instructed the man to stand up and he did. Peter attributed the healing to faith in the name of Jesus and the faith that comes through Jesus. Acts 3:16
5.     After being brought before the Jewish court to be interrogated about the healing of the lame man Peter made his testimony stating he would not stop preaching. He then met up with the believers and they prayed for boldness and the heal and perform signs and wonders through Jesus and after they prayed the Holy Spirit showed up! Acts 4:31

What does the Holy Spirit due in chapter 5?

The Believers have come together as a believing community and begin to bring their treasures --- whatever they may be --- to the Apostles for a ‘redistribution’ to anyone in need.

Enter the new age Adam and Eve -- husband and wife team of Ananias and Sapphira. For whatever reason, and there are many speculated and proffered over the millennia, these two conspired to sale their land, hold back some of the monies and take the rest for redistribution. When Ananias appeared before Peter with the funds Peter identified deceit. He knew the funds donated to the apostles was not the complete sum of sale monies. Peter even acknowledged that the property belonged to Ananias and he could do with it as he wanted. He accused Ananias of not just lying to the folks present but to GOD! Upon that statement Ananias died. Hours later, Sapphira appeared and lied to Peter. Peter asked her this question: “How could you conspire to test the Spirit of the Lord?...” Acts 5:9 With that question Sapphira died.


Do you see the point? If you are a Christian do you discount your lack of honesty or integrity by calling a lie a ‘fib’ a ‘white lie’ a case of ‘alternative facts’ or ‘an omission of information’? Do you try to mitigate your sin by excusing it because ‘everyone does it’? Do you have a form of godliness but your actions do not comport with your profession of godliness? Do you deliberately misrepresent truth to create a more ‘godly’ persona or lesson the effects of your sin upon yourself?

Most of us have done this from time to time. Yet, as Christians as we read the death sentence meted out to this husband and wife by the Holy Spirit should it not give us pause to rethink how ALMIGHTY GOD truly is? It is not a given that if you deliberately sin you are forgiven. In fact, James addresses this point quite adroitly. “Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.” James 4:17 (KJV)

Again, how ALMIGHTY do you understand GOD to be? If HE knows everything you do, what good is it to lie?


Also in chapter 5 we see the very thing they prayed for in Chapter 4 become a reality. There were healings, signs and wonders, as their ministry. Chapter 5:12-16 shows a continuation of crowds gathering reminiscent of Christ’s ministry. However, though so much good was done and more and more believers were added to the group there were consequences to going against the edict forbidding them to use Jesus’ name.

The Apostles were arrested and thrown in jail. But, did they stay? An angel arrived in the night and told them to go the temple courts in the morning and teach the people. And so they did. This incensed the ruling party all the more.

Once again, the apostles are rounded up and tried! However, Peter and the others responded they were obedient to GOD rather than human beings! They even invoked the Holy Spirit as a witness to Jesus’ resurrection and his exaltation GOD’s right hand as prince and savior. The ruling party was furious at this testimony. But, they were cautioned by one of their own to leave the Apostles alone and let them go. Why? “Therefore, in the present case I advise you: Leave these men alone! Let them go! For if their purpose or activity is of human origin, it will fail.39 But if it is from God, you will not be able to stop these men; you will only find yourselves fighting against God.” Acts 5:38-39
The decision was to bring the Apostles in and flog them but release them with the same prohibition to not speak in the name of Jesus.

What did they do? “Day after day, in the temple courts and from house to house, they never stopped teaching and proclaiming the good news that Jesus is the Messiah.” Acts 5:42 [Emphasis added]

Key Points from chapter 5

1.      If you are a Christian and you must make an accounting for something do not lie! In no way subvert the truth. If you do you are only postponing the eventuality because GOD is ALMIGHTY.
2.     When testifying for Jesus do so with boldness. Trust that the HOLY SPIRIT will be with you as well.
3.     Acquaint yourselves with your responsibilities as a Christian so you too may make the bold statement that you will obey GOD rather than men.

Please read the entire 5th chapter of Acts. So much there to remind ourselves of who we are as Christians. Also brings us closer to GOD through the HOLY SPIRIT. Of course, pray and ponder what is revealed to you as you read GOD’s Word. 

NOTE: All scriptures quoted are from the New International Version [NIV] unless otherwise noted.

©Lightwritingmatters 2015

©Lightwritingmatters 2015

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