Tuesday, April 18, 2017

An Excruciating Crucible --- Mark 15:34

©Lightwritingmatters 2015

Theme scripture

“My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” [Psa 22:1] NWT

Additional scripture

“From the sixth hour on, a darkness fell over all the land until the ninth hour. About the ninth hour, Jesus called out with a loud voice, saying: “Eʹli, Eʹli, laʹma sa·bach·thaʹni?” that is, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” [Matt 27:45-46] NWT

“and at the ninth hour Jesus cried with a great voice, saying, `Eloi, Eloi, lamma sabachthani?' which is, being interpreted, `My God, my God, why didst Thou forsake me?” [Mark 15:34] YLT

 The Excruciating Crucible

1560s, from Latin excruciatus, past participle of excruciare "to torture, torment, rack, plague;" figuratively "to afflict, harass, vex, torment," from ex "out, out from; thoroughly" (see ex-) + cruciare "cause pain or anguish to," literally "crucify," from crux (genitive crucis) "a cross" –[Online Etymology Dictionary]

early 15c., from Medieval Latin crucibulum "melting pot for metals," originally "night lamp." First element might be Middle High German kruse "earthen pot." Or perhaps it is from Latin crux on some fancied resemblance to a cross. Used of any severe test or trial since 1640s.

NOTE: We arrive at the full complement of the meaning of each of the words in the Title of this article. It may seem a redundant statement but is purposely constructed to emphasize the horror that was visited upon our LORD in the hours leading up to HIS death.

Dark Day’s Agony

What is going on with Jesus at this point? Please note in Matthew 27:45-46, the description of the environment --- ‘From the sixth hour a darkness fell over the land until the ninth hour.’ This is a supernatural phenomenon. The time of this event is the Passover which is during the full moon thus an eclipse is not possible. When taken in context of the agony of the LORD, [these moments have been explained by most writers whose commentaries are available for study] the supernatural darkening of the natural luminaries was about the time when Jesus felt HIS separation from HIS Father, when Jesus was truly Son of man. It is the first time in all time Jesus does not feel HIS FATHER.

What is happening?

  1. The sacrifice of the Passover Lamb is about to reach its culmination.
  2. Jesus has the ‘sin’ of the world hanging with HIM on the cross.
  3. Jesus’ sacrifice is that of a perfect man dying as a result of the first perfect man [Adam] bringing the whole of humanity to death through sin.
  4. Jesus’ sacrifice then balances the scales bringing the death sentence for mankind to its final conclusion.
  5. Jesus called out to HIS Father, ‘Why have you forsaken me?

At the moment of Jesus’ death, the curtain in the temple that separated the Most Holy [entered only by the High Priest once annually] from the Holy tore in half removing the separation of GOD from man based on the shed blood of HIS Son, Jesus, the perfect Son of man. The ultimate ransom price was paid by Jesus. Jesus succumbs to the excruciating crucible that was his last few hours on earth as a man. Will all those held for ransom accept the payment and let themselves be freed?

Breaking down further

The arrest of Jesus, the trials of Jesus by King Herod, by Pontius Pilate and the affirmation of guilt for the charges levied against HIM by the Sanhedrin Court, most notably the High Priest of the Jews, followed by the corporal punishment and execution of the death sentence upon Jesus began just after the Passover meal on the evening before Christ’s death. It lasted from the moment of arrest to the moment of death. Passover began at sunset the night before and HIS death which was about 3P the following day.

If you saw the movie ‘The Passion of the Christ’ you saw the attempt to visually capture the torture in the movie. It was tough to look at. It profoundly impresses the mind, the spirit and the soul of the person who loves Jesus. 

By the time they nailed HIM to the cross and hoisted HIS body upright further adding unimaginable pain to HIS final hours on earth HIS body had likely experienced the limit to its ability to sustain life. Humans, the imperfect ones, seem to cope with the onset of sudden and devastating pain with the body going into shock. While it is not necessarily true Jesus did not go into shock, there is no evidence mentioning that in scripture. He was not permitted to crumble under the abuse. HE did have assistance carrying the cross to the execution point ‘Golgaltha’ but that seemed to be due to weakness brought on from beatings and blood loss. On the cross, he had a conversation with one of those facing capital punishment and refusal of the vinegar soaked sponge. But scripture at no time indicates HE went into shock. HE shouted out the final four words of HIS physical life before dying and then HE died.  

The moment when Jesus felt separation from HIS Father to the moment of death were the most inhumane moments anyone could ever voluntarily suffer. No matter if you read of it or watch it as ‘based on true events’ we cringe and probably turn our heads away. It had to be done. Jesus volunteered to do it on our behalf, but it doesn’t diminish the fact that it was a gruesome people who schemed to murder Jesus. The best news was the discovery of HIS resurrection. HE suffered through it all and put an end to death for the human race and simultaneously unleashed eternal life.

Third Person reference

“For even the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many.'” [Mark 10:45] KJV

Have you ever pondered why Jesus referred to HIMSELF in the third person so often? Especially in Mark 10:45? Could it be:

  1. To right the sin Adam introduced? Jesus had to be the ‘son of man’ – a human being?
  2. Could it be that Jesus had to be only a human to complete the whole sacrificial offering of HIS human life?

This is an incredible topic in itself and should be researched, prayerfully considered and meditated upon by each of us in all seriousness.

From HIS Excruciating Crucible comes Joy! HIS and ours because HE has set us free and has closed the gap between GOD and ourselves created when Adam sinned. Joy because no matter our human sufferings because we believe in the Son of man, Jesus, we can look beyond our human life as we seek to refine our faith and grow ever closer to the ONE who has in fact suffered an unbearable sentence of abuse, assault and finally execution, so that we can be lifted in joy.

The Son of man, Jesus, is the GOSPEL we are commissioned to share!

©Lightwritingmatters 2015

©Lightwritingmatters 2015

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