Friday, November 18, 2016

Because you did not believe my words -- Luke 1:20

“And now you will be silent and not able to speak until the day this happens, because you did not believe my words, which will come true at their appointed time.” Luke 1:20 – NIV

What do you think?

Dumbfounded [pun unintended] at the simple statement of a faith-fact as recorded in Luke 1:20. Where to begin?

What did Zechariah do to be silenced?

Back in verse 11 it is recorded that an angel of the Lord appeared to Zechariah.
Vs 12 says Zechariah was a little freaked.
Vs 13 says the angel tried to calm him telling him his wife would bear him a son and they would call him John.
Vs 14-17 explains the prophetic life John would lead and the purpose for his life.

The key reason for his silence:

Vs 18: Zechariah asked the angel how Zechariah could be sure? He declared that he and his wife were well along in years.
[Back story: Vs 7 states that Zechariah’s wife was unable to conceive. They had no children.]
Vs 19: The angel answers the question posed in vs 18 by identifying who he was, Gabriel; his relationship/authority for the message – he stands in the presence of GOD; and alas, his mission – sent to deliver this message of ‘good news’.

Is he deserving of such discipline? The loss of speech?

Zechariah’s Pedigree and Résumé?

Vs 5: Priest of the priestly division of Abijah
Vs 6: Righteous in the sight of GOD
Vs 8,9,10: It was his duty to burn incense and it was during that function he was contacted by Gabriel.

Knowledge of a Temple Priest

If you are familiar with the Bible, then you are aware of the Pentateuch [first five books of the Bible]; and the role of education from the family unit to the priests and the High Priest. They would all know the history/origins of their people and the various tribes that comprised the nation of the Hebrews. They would know Abraham as the patriarch of the entire Hebrew nation through the birth of his son, Isaac.
Isaac came to life as the first recorded miracle baby. He was born to Abraham and his wife Sarah. They were both a century old, childless and past childbearing age when she bore Isaac.

Consequences of knowledge:

When contacted by Gabriel with the promise of a child born to Zechariah and his infertile wife Elizabeth the reality should not have been a questionable feat. The story of Isaac’s conception was not just the stuff of a simple bedtime story for the Jewish community. It was a paramount point in mankind’s history when a covenant was made with a man through whom all of mankind would ultimately be blessed with the possibility of eternal life. So, this question: “How can I be sure of this? I am an old man and my wife is well along in years.” should have never entered his mind. Zechariah was a member of the very nation of people GOD made a covenant with long after GOD recognized HIS promises to Abraham. Zechariah was a priest! He was responsible for burning incense on the altar of GOD! How could he not believe Gabriel? Yet, there was doubt. And for that he spent nearly a year unable to speak and then received his son John and on the day of John’s circumcision he could speak, PRAISING GOD! – Vs 64

Additionally, the presence, encounters and interactions with Angels existed through oracles and written word as penned before Zechariah was born. He should have known if they appeared with a message it would happen exactly as it was to happen. Here are just a few of those notable encounters you may remember – yet there are far more.

1.      Abraham was informed he and his wife would have a child. [Gen 18]
2.     Two angels visited Sodom to deliver Lot and his family before its destruction. [Gen 19]
3.     Moses and his thorn bush encounter. [Ex 3]
4.    The three Hebrews and the fiery Furnace. [Dan 3]

What are some of the lessons here?

1.      You are responsible for and to the knowledge you have.
2.     You are responsible to verify the knowledge you have.
3.     You should read your Bible earnestly and daily to continue to gain knowledge and to retain knowledge.
4.    You should be confident in your learned and confirmed knowledge.
5.     You should not be shocked or unfaithful to your learned and confirmed knowledge if you have prayed and verified its veracity.
6.    While Zechariah’s discipline seems extreme it is no different than a parent telling a child who continues to question authority when told to do something to ‘sit down and be quiet’ in a ‘time out’. To ‘think about their actions’.
7.     Do you believe you have been asked to do something you should have accepted in faith but did not and suffered in your faith?
8.    Finally, IF we BELIEVE, KNOW, have FAITH that GOD is almighty, all knowing, ever present, the same today as yesterday and tomorrow, is the CREATOR of all things then we are responsible for that knowledge and to respond when called in obedience and faith.

Alas, Zechariah went from uttering a faithless question to silence not able to utter another sound until the day his miracle baby was circumcised and the baby’s prophetic life began wherein Zechariah then uttered his first audible speech which was PRAISE TO GOD!

GOD was not going to have his plan thwarted by a moment of doubt in a man’s life. Zechariah’s son John fulfilled his prophetic life announcing and then baptizing Jesus the day Jesus was anointed by GOD as the Christ.

Have faith; live your faith and take GOD at his Word/WORD [contained in the Bible]/HIS Son, Jesus.]

©Lightwritingmatters 2015

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