Friday, June 3, 2016

The Wonderful Things from YOUR Law -- Psalm 119:18

©Lightwritingmatters 2015

Open my eyes so that I may see clearly
The wonderful things from your law.

This next thought may be controversial among those who read but are not of the same mind.

Many think in terms of ‘rules and regulations’ when they see the word law especially in the context of the Bible. And, correctly so. However, there is another ‘law’ from which ‘wonderful things’ come. It is this author’s opinion that the laws of nature are also from the same GOD from which the ‘rules and regulations’ laws are based. I believe GOD is the CREATOR including laws of nature -- gravity, weather phenomena, mountains, forests, oceans, flowers, animals, avian world, aquatic world, the macro and micro biology that keeps everything working, the planetary systems, the phases of the Moon, the dance of the Sun, Earth and Moon and way more! Surely, there is something of nature that is appealing to the senses and can be seen as ‘wonderful.

It seems clear from context of Psalm 119, the writer is more focused on the literal rules, regulations, customs, culture, worship, character and so forth. He even refers in verse 24 to GOD’s expressed thoughts as reminders, testimonies, statutes, etc. It can also be taken in verse 18 the ‘wonderful things from your law’ could include natural law.

About the wonders of natural law; try to defy natural law -- you fail. You can jump off a tall building and gravity will not break your fall and you will not land unscathed lest you take certain precautions to soften the descent, the impact and the way your body disseminates the effects of your speed and impact. You can go to the Moon and you can survive on the Moon so long as you bring everything you need to breathe, eat and drink because none of that is provided on the Moon. Through faith, you can mitigate the impact of weather, it has been done, but if faith is not employed little can be done to stop the weather that will wreak havoc on the place on earth it is destined to fall inclusive of all vulnerable living organisms in its path. Yet, as an observer of gravity you can appreciate a balloon floating up because of gas; of people who experience ‘zero gravity’ chambers floating in midair. Who isn’t entranced or in awe or shock as they see their first lightning storm, watch video of a tidal wave and its power, see a tornado form in the air grow and touch the earth and then sweep up everything in its path? Can the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration stop a Tornado? A Hurricane? Can the Federal Emergency Management Agency stop an Earthquake or a Volcano? Can man stop the advent and forward motion of a Saharan Dust Storm? Or stop a massive tidal wave generated from an undersea quake? These works of natural law, besides being destructive, are a wonder in their formation, movement and effect on earth/nature. Though science has explained them they cannot impede them once they have been generated.

Sometimes when we read the Bible we come upon scripture that may cause us pause because we cannot necessarily grasp what may be uncomfortable truth. When we focus on the ‘legalese’ of GOD’s law our feathers can be ruffled because we do not see things as they are presented in print or the purpose behind why the words are there. But, if we open our spirit and mind to seeing a grander picture seeing those same words in a different prismatic light we can immediately appreciate both the presentation and purpose for the placement of the words in print but perhaps even how awesome it is that those words, though read perhaps often in your life, grabbed your attention in a very different way. And so, as we read these words: “Open my eyes so that I may see clearly The wonderful things from your law.” we may now see both the wonderful things of HIS law as in Natural law but even in the idea those words also carry with them a reminder to appreciate GOD’s rules and regulations because by doing so we are promised to experience wonders ‘eye has not seen; ear has not heard nor heart conceived’!

Blessed are those poor in spirit, those that mourn, the meek, those who HUNGER AND THIRST after righteousness, the merciful, the pure in heart, the peacemaker, those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake. May your Spirit find peace in the manifold Blessings from GOD. 

©Lightwritingmatters 2015

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