Saturday, May 7, 2022

Mary Treasured Her Son Jesus - Luke 2:51b

 Jesus’s Mother treasured what her son said and did while he was alive.

Today, Mothers the world over have the same place in their hearts for the things their children do and say their entire life.

However, at this time, we see individuals who are extremely insensed at the idea of the federal government possibly changing the status of a long held law enabling mothers to be to abort their baby's life. Motherhood is a huge responsibility there is no doubt. Just ask any Mom if it is a walk in the park and they will honestly answer according their own experience. However, most will say the good outweighs the bad on MOST days.

It would not be a big surprise if some of those protesting the possible law status change will likely celebrate their own Mother's love and care of them as they grew from within her womb to the very day the child she birthed protests their own right to cease by abortion the life of a developing preborn baby made in the image of GOD--one that would be a grandchild. Celebrate your own Mom for your life {Which is what Mother's Day is all about}but not the life you may carry in your own womb?

Perhaps this year with Mom’s and their babies the focus of so many -- it is time for Mom’s to share the joys of Motherhood for all to see. Be a great model for young mothers to be. This year let’s minimize the adoration of being someone’s Mom and instead share memories of your children that added to the love of being a Mom! 

If you are a Christian Mom support your church program for alternatives to abortion.

Remember Mary's experience from conception to birth and the 33 years she had with her first Son, Jesus! Let's all take her comment and use it for our own child. Let's let them know how much they enriched our lives and make Motherhood a wonderful GODLY experience in love.

Let’s take back LIFE for little ones by being role models for 


Rich is multi-dimensional James 5 1-6 shows the 'bad' side

  Theme Scripture: --James 4:17 “ Therefore, if one knows how to do what is right and yet does not do it, it is a sin for him.” Theme Scrip...